Mentally Struggling at University: The Power of One Conversation

Something I’ve never really talked about before is how I accessed help. I didn’t go to my doctor or speak to my family or friends. I kept it all hidden. In fact, I struggled for years before things reached boiling point. They had before during high school but somehow I’d gotten through. I was nearing the end of my first year of university and wasn’t coping at all. I was feeling alone and isolated from my peers, was self-harming and contemplating suicide, which I had attempted before.

Everything started when I had an academic guidance appointment, part of a program set up to help ease the transition from school to uni. We talked about how I was going and whether I was enjoying classes or not-yes and no-and I was lucky to have a compassionated advisor who could see something was up. She noticed I was feeling down and asked me if I was okay. That’s when the tears started. I had longed for someone, anyone, to ask me how I was but nobody had in a really long time and here was a stranger showing me that she cared.

I can’t remember what we talked about but she tried to get me to go to the counselling service which I refused. We made another appointment a few days later and it was then that she rang up and made the appointment for me, even offering to walk me over there.

That appointment didn’t go well, I barely spoke. I couldn’t. But they got me to fill out a questionnaire and my answers must have worried them because from there I was referred to the more acute, public mental health service which is where my journey began. There were phone calls, then an assessment and then time spent on a waiting list but eventually I got some help.

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if that lady hadn’t reached out to me. Honestly, I doubt I would still be here. I was really struggling and not capable of asking for help for myself.

Here’s where I say please speak to your friends and family, your loved ones, your classmates. You never know when someone is struggling and the smallest conversation can save a life.

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