The End of an Era

I have big news: I officially finished my university degree today! I sat my last exam and am the proud owner of a Bachelor of Science (majoring in Psychology) or I will be when I graduate in a month.

There were times when I didn’t think I’d get here. It’s taken a long time, in fact it’s four and a half years since I started a three year degree. However, only three and a half years were spent studying because I had to defer for a year in the middle due to my health. I’m a little ashamed at how long it’s taken me but I didn’t expect to get as ill as I did. Right now, I’m just proud that I made it. I stuck it out despite everything else that was happening and I really did enjoy my degree. It shows that life isn’t a race, everyone is on their own journey.

I’ve learnt so much, I’ve challenged myself and developed skills I didn’t expect to have. I’ve dabbled in creative writing, linguistics, biology, chemistry, history and philosophy. The depth of knowledge I have gained is far richer than I set out for it to be. Most of all, I found a field that excites me and that I love: psychology. I found where I am meant to be.

I’m glad that I chose this course. I’m glad I kept going even when it was challenging. It’s made me a better, stronger person. Now, here’s to bigger and better things! Never stop trying to achieve your dreams, even if you don’t get there you’ll fall amongst the stars.

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